Monday, 8 July 2013

S_CCESS Is Looking For U..

Good morning and May God bless this day!
"Every blade of grass has its angle that bends over it and whispers, Grow – Grow”, the most striking and inspirational quote by The Talmud, which redirects you towards the ultimate aim of life.

LIFE, one of the most prized possessions of God, which comes to this planet to experience growth in every possible area & aspect, be it spiritually, mentally or professionally. It gives me goose bumps to even imagine a life which is monotonous and doesn’t aspire for growth but people still call themselves busy & happy with the rut routine of life.

Mediocre life is not at all on the agenda what the almighty has given us to deliver. He has given us a 12 pound brain which sits between our shoulders and has the capacity to manifest anything and everything through sheer focus.

People normally give up to task/s, calling it difficult without giving an attempt of try. Fact of the matter is that no task is difficult and cannot stay unaccomplished but it is considered easy or difficult by our mind only, which restrict us from trying it out from the fear of failure. When we see someone accomplish the similar task, we call him / her lucky and blessed with some special powers and pay our tribute of being a mediocre person.

If you want to become successful, adopt some of the important traits / habits of very successful people, which is to:

  1. Wake up with the sun and plan your day & life ahead.
  2. Prepare your goal sheet, give dates to your targets and visualize them getting accomplished.
  3. Read at least for 30 minutes a day. Reading help make profound changes as it nourishes your mind and help you realize your inner self / what already exist in yourself.
Realizing the hidden potential of these basic habits, I started practicing them almost 3 years ago and have noticed tremendous changes in my life both personally and professionally. I have accomplished lot of my LIFE’s targets ranging from a very blessed family, financial freedom, highly satisfying job and a very bright future.

Towards the end, love to leave some thought provoking lines from a famous read by Robin S Sharma, A Leader Who Had No Title, ‘Success lies is accomplishing small daily targets’.

My best wishes to every reader of this article for a highly successful LIFE ahead.

May God bless all!!

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