Thursday, 10 December 2015

#LetsThankGod (Mr. Sunil)- I am the LIFE

People have started saying THANKS to GOD... It's your turn!!
RECORD your video (Hindi/English) with one thing that you are grateful for, for which you want to thank God and SEND it to before 14th December 2015. Hurry Up!!

Inviting you all for #‎LetsThankGod‬ Campaign - I am the LIFE

We always PRAY for things we don't have. Try it for 1 week: Stop asking for anything and Start THANKING GOD for what all we have and feel the difference.

RECORD your video (duration 10 secs. maximum) with one thing that you are grateful for, for which you want to thank God and SEND it to before 14th December 2015. Hurry Up!!

We will compile best entries and publish across our network.



Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Inviting you all for ‪#‎LetsThankGod‬ campaign

We always PRAY for things we don't have. Try it for 1 week: Stop asking for anything and Start THANKING GOD for what all we have and feel the difference.

RECORD your video (duration 10 secs. maximum) with one thing you are grateful for, for which you want to thank God and SEND it to before 14th December 2015. Hurry Up!!
We will compile best entries and publish across our network.

‪#‎GoodToGreat‬ ‪#‎IAmTheLife‬

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Introduction - My First Video

Yippee!! Here goes my first ever public video. I shall be posting more soon.

Stay connected with me through my blog, Facebook page and now with my videos too. Please don't forget to share it with your friends & family.

I look forward to your valuable comments.

Bye, Take Care and have a Positive Life!

Reema Saxena,
I am the LIFE

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

You are BEAUTIFUL...

You are beautiful inside and out,
Love yourself your life throughout,
Your eyes can see light n dark,
Skin can feel soft n sharp,
Lips can sing, share and talk,
Feet are here to take a walk,
Your heart can love and brain can think,
Be crazy sometimes, sometimes just wink,
Be grateful for what all you have,
Be grateful for what all you have!!


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Good to Great #14

Start enjoying little things in life for a great relaxation, as sometimes;

A hot cup of coffee can unwind you better than an expensive spa treatment.

A walk with nature is more helpful to heal your inner self than a high-priced therapy session.

A heart-to-heart chat with a friend is more effectual to get a break from your busy life than an overseas trip.


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Be a Warrior, not a Worrier

Today, I was fortunate to attend a wonderful & thought provoking session “A Unique Awareness Talk on Epidemics, Dengue, Swine Flu and Significant Role of Homeopathy” by Dr. Pallavi Chaturvedi, a well-known homeopathy practitioner in Western Suburbs of Mumbai.

Being a parent, any simple news of someone suffering from Dengue was strong enough to make me frightened but post attending this session, I felt relieved and thought of sharing some important points with you all.

Epidemic and the Mystery behind it:

“An epidemic is a disease which spreads very quickly among many people, at a particular place.
It is just a definition of it but if we think deeply, one question arises i.e.,

As we have not found any way to kill that infection or virus, how do these diseases arise time to time and infect only a group of people leaving few others safe. Viruses and factors transmitting them are present everywhere all the time, still, not everyone gets infected.

And, we all would agree it’s because of one single factor i.e. IMMUNITY.

Dengue – A Viral Infection with no treatment at all:
As dengue being a viral disease has no treatment at all in Allopath (till now there is not a single Anti-Viral medicine invented) and when we hospitalize the patient, the unknown reason behind it is to provide proper rest and to keep the body hydrated (they do it with saline).

The body of the patient itself is doing all to recover from it and improving immunity by the help of rest, lots of fluids and positivity (which I feel plays a vital role). Visitors, who come to meet the patient, indirectly give the feeling of love & care to patient, which results in faster recovery.

Every External Symptom shows Internal Conflict: 
I also learnt a very intriguing fact, every symptom is connected to the conflict patient is facing. Like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting arises when he is not able to digest the whole idea that he is not binding with his own people and he repels this idea. One more example is of vomit of blood, blood in stools, bleeding of gums & nose shows he wants some kind of sympathy & compassion from his people.

Every symptom he shows has some inner conflict going on in his mind, heart and body. Isn’t this amazing that how every single negative thought/people and environment affect us and our body from top to bottom?
(Source: Rotary Club meeting on 11th Oct’15)

How Kids are more susceptible?
Another point was about how children (especially under 10) are more prone to all these? The answer is as we all are strongly influenced by our environment so is our kids. They are more vulnerable and sensitive to take all the negativity from our surroundings.

Only solution is to be very careful with our thoughts and fears as it affects them very strongly. And, we need to give them an environment in family and surroundings to stay more positive and happy.

My Take Away From This Session - 'Our Immunity is in Our Hands':
We all are born with a energy which gets transferred by our mother in the womb. The energy that keeps us alive, healthy and hopeful, it is our Immunity that protects us from outer infections or toxins. 
And, with the span of time, when we allow more fear, anxiety and negativity into our body because of various factors, we tend to lose our IMMUNITY and become more susceptible to different diseases.

Studies have also proved the strong connection between Optimism and Immunity. Every single thought of your mind affects your immune system depending on whether it’s a positive one or negative.

Homeopathy – Prevention and Cure: 
As we all know Homeopathy is a safe way of treatment, one thing we might not be aware of is that it focuses on treating the whole person rather than treating the disease only. It works by harnessing our body’s natural defense system and working on all external symptoms as something may be going wrong in the inner self.

Needless to say, we still have to ensure that mosquito doesn’t breed at all.. :-)

Hope you will find it useful and share it with your near and dear ones!!:-)

Bye for now,

Take Care,

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Born for a Reason...

Everyone is born for a reason but dies without even knowing 'IT'..

You, I and we all are here for a purpose ‘a common purpose’. And, we keep on searching for it throughout our journey called LIFE.

Few of us feel proud of their "discovery" and share it too with everyone they know. For them, it can be from a top level position in the corporate world to a well settled entrepreneurship, from a lavish car to a cool chopper or from a 4 BHK penthouse to a sea facing bungalow.

It doesn't end here; this endless list can go on and on till infinity. We all have been spoon-fed with this since our birth by those who are already running in this race to achieve their “purpose”.

We too become the integral part of this rat race with sleepless work nights, overlooked loved ones and frustrated selves. Being the part of this endless race, our milestones shift from one to other.

The irony is, even after reaching somewhere, we always wanted, we don’t find any time to take a pause or celebrate it and without stopping we keep on running for next milestone.

Even after gaining everything we find ourselves at great loss.

After living like this for a major portion of our lives, we realize for what we were living (actually not living at all) has no significance at all.

It can’t be the real purpose of our life. So, what is it? Why we all here?

If any day, you lose or look for the purpose of your life, try these:
  • Add a laugh to a smiling face
  • Wipe tears from a teary face
  • Bring the shine in someone's day
  • Be the hope of a gloomy life
And you will know your real purpose...

The day, when your blessings, smiles and memories become countless; 
that day you will find yourself living the life the way ‘HE’ wants you to live.

Bye for now, stay connected!!


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

ART - Mate For Every Soul

Bits of Life By Shabad
This is one of the paintings made by my son Shabad and I must admit that it became more significant when he explained its hidden meaning.

He named it “Bits of Life” showing all aspects of LIFE, from sun to greenery to land to water and so on. And in between, our life has been scattered in bits and every bit of ours is nothing but their forms only. Each ingredient of life touches us, soothes us, heals us and nurtures us.

That was all about his painting. But actually, there is a magic in every painting. It works exceptionally well with our thoughts, our life and our relationships with others and ourself.

As all of our sense organs are connected to our brain, ‘Sight’ being most active of them all.
Whatever we see feeds our sub-conscious mind, knowingly or unknowingly, leaves a very strong impact on it, which in turn shapes our thoughts & future.

Even if it is a bright colored small painting done by a 3 years old kid, it brings a broad smile on our face and makes us stick it on our office desk or kitchen shelf.

From Photorealism to Abstract, every art form speaks a different language of symbols which we may not understand but our inner selves do. Every single art work touches our soul in a completely different way.

On each canvas, artist transfers his positivity which reaches our soul every time we look into it.

Each color the painter uses in his art has a non verbal language and if chosen wisely or I should say heartily, can have a deep effect on the mood and emotional well-being of each one of us.

Remember, one thing for a better blissful life,
“Indulge yourself in some ART. It connects you to your soul, to your God...
Either make your own piece of Art or choose the one made for you.”

Need to cut if off here, but you always stay in touch..

Will be back soon,


Saturday, 26 September 2015

Good to Great #13

If any day, you lose the purpose of your life,

Add a laugh to someone's smile..Wipe tears from someone's face..Bring the shine in someone's day..Be the hope of someone's life!!

And you will know your real purpose...

Stay Connected!!


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Good to Great #12

To heal your soul enjoy the rain..To heal your mind enjoy the breeze..To heal the heart enjoy the chirpings..

Nature has a magical power to heal and rejuvenates you much better than an expensive spa.

Have a sound sleep today and a vibrant day tomorrow!!


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Break this WALL – and meet your loved ones!!

A wall, on the other side of which are your loved ones,
A wall with three letters engraved on it, EGO, is acting as the biggest barrier between.

It keeps you alone, away from making lifetime relationships,
It acts as a huge spiked barricade between you and your well wishers.

‘They’ are waiting to be with you, love you, care for you,
Tear down this wall, hold their hands, hug them and never let them go.

They are the only ones with whom you can cherish each and every moment of your life,
They are the only ones who can make this tiring journey called LIFE a lifetime celebration, 

They are the ones with whom problems will simplify and life will no longer be complicated,
They are the ones with whom you can laugh like mad, relax, open your heart and share your world.

Thank them and appreciate those who have helped you, who are with you,
Compliment each one for who they are and receive them with Grace.

Say sorry from the bottom of your heart, anytime you hurt their feelings,
Nothing is more sinful than hurting or make them cry, instead, wipe their tears. 

Visualize more friends coming into your life,
Treasure the ones who are there with you and remember those in your prayer, who couldn’t carry along.

Drop this three letter word wall,
Share your feelings, ask for help, learn from everyone – Do not hesitate. 

I have read it somewhere, “The size of your world is inversely proportional to the size of your ego".
Make your world BIG.

People who truly love you, love you for who you are,
Not for your false power, fake money and transient beauty.

They love you for your inner being,
If you can break something, break this hard shell of EGO….

Stay Connected,


PS : Thanks for stopping by..Please leave your valuable comment in the section below, I will surely get back to you ;-)

Good to Great #11

Have deep faith in what God has decided for you...

Sooner or Later, you will realise that HE has always done what is BEST for you.

Wishing you an energetic and positive start of the week!!

Stay in touch..


Saturday, 19 September 2015

Good to Great #11

No one can make a permanent place in anyone's heart by looks, brains, power or money..

All you need is to be LOVING and CARING.

Have a fun filled weekend with your loved ones!!

Bye for now..Stay Connected...


Friday, 18 September 2015

Good to Great #10

Don't wish for a perfect life but ask for a blessed one as to live a joyful life, you don't need to be perfect.

Create beautiful memories, not computer programmes..

Go ahead, make mistakes and behave crazy at times!!


Thursday, 17 September 2015

Good to Great #9

Be a helping hand in every possible way, don't worry even if the person is not grateful. 

Since God is watching and counting too, it is going to come back to you anyhow..

Sleep Well Tonight and have an Energised Day Tomorrow!!


Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Good to Great #8

Surrender all your worries to the Almighty.. He will take care of everything..
And welcome each moment gifted by him with love, joy and harmony, just the same way we all are ready to welcome Ganpati Bappa.

Let's make our each moment festive, pious and a big CELEBRATION!!

Stay Blessed,

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Trendy Me – By a Li’l Angel!!

Few days back, on the birthday of my junior champ Shabad, one of his friends presented him with a handmade bright colored key chain made of some rainbow colored bands.

Rubber Bands?? But as far as I know “Rubber Bands” can only be used to tie hair (As I would do when I was a kid ;-) ).

I was curious to know, how can these soft bright rings be weaved together and form something extremely attractive.

Well like I always do for anything new to me, I googled it and discovered that it is a whole new art done with small colorful rubber bands (also named as ‘Loop Bands’, as I found on internet).

Meet my Youngest Teacher ever..
And to my amazement, one sweet little girl in our society (who is daughter of my dear friend) has mastered this art in such a small age.

I asked my friend to send her daughter to my place to teach this ‘New to Me’ Art and since she is one of the pleasant natured residents of our society, she had sent her right away.

I never had an idea how a young little girl can teach me create really cool Bracelets, Rings, Key-chains and many other articles.

I had a fun filled time with my youngest teacher ever for two hours.

And, now when I have learned it, I must share it with you all that “Any simple looking item can be turned into beautiful masterpiece with patience and innovative ideas.”

I couldn’t stop myself sharing a couple of pictures of her and me.

Bye for now..Will be back soon!!

Keep learning something new and don’t forget to share it with me!!

Trendy ME !!

Good to Great #7

Help the needy.. Support the weak..Be friends with everyone..and Love all.. That's the real purpose of LIFE..

Have a Sweet Relaxing Night to welcome a Bright Shining Day tomorrow!!


Monday, 14 September 2015

Good to Great #6

Always believe in a second chance, for others and for yourself..

Have a Peaceful Night today and a Vibrant Day tomorrow!! 


Sunday, 13 September 2015

Good to Great #5

Don't be disheartened if anyone refuses to help you.. May be God knows you can do it much better on your own.

Have a beautiful night full of dreams and a great week filled with energy to make them true!!

Bye for now..

Stay Blessed,

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Good to Great #4

Each one of us are equally beautiful and special.

God has created us all as his 'MASTERPIECE' with all his skills, patience and unique colours. Love Yourself !!

Have a lovely relaxing weekend with sweet rejuvenating night..

Bye for now..


Friday, 11 September 2015

Good to Great #3

Don't just keep walking in life, take a pause..and watch where are you heading to..

Have a Relaxing Night and Fun Filled Weekend!! 

Bye for now..

Take Care,

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Good to Great #2

Consider yourself blessed if someone is counting on you in the time of need. May be God has chosen you as his Angel for this work.😇

Sleep Well Tonight and Have an Energised Day Tomorrow!!😊

I am the LIFE

Attention Seekers - We all are..

It’s late in evening, still have some time for dinner, sitting on the floor of my airy balcony, trying to focus and write something.
And, my note pad is still blank, all credit goes to my little champ, 3.5 years now, who continuously kept on distracting me with a big fat encyclopedia on reptiles, showing me giant monstrous images and making funny faces simultaneously.

Whenever I try to focus on something other than him, he always does this but being a mother, always find it really cute :-*.

And I know, whathis purpose behind these cute acts?

Yes, it’s nothing but ATTENTIONNot just babies or kids, it is something we all crave for..RIGHT?

When we were in school/college, we always wanted to be noticed by everyone or someone special.

We would dress impressively, keep different hair style, choose the fragrance appropriately and may go to an extent to do small silly things just to get noticed.

Now we need it in work, in family, in friends and above all, in our social networks as well

We post beautiful pictures, inspiring quotes, lovely statuses and sometimes weird too.

And, guess what, the reason is still the same… ATTENTION!!

The more we crave for attention, the lesser we get it and the more we turn out to be miserable, the lesser we will feel contented

I am not saying we should be lousy….we should keep striving for excellence but, don’t change yourself for anyone. 

Just Be Yourself!!

Do your best to improve your looks, your persona, and your aura. Do it all for yourself, not for others or for their attention!! 

But, one more thing is worth mentioning, that is,

“Pay attention to the ones who care instead of trying to get attention of those who didn’t”

P.S. Thanks for stopping by.. Please share your views and comments in the section below. :-)

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Good to Great #1

Everyday, Life brings many gifts for us.. 

The only rule to receive them is to welcome it with your both hands open, calm mind and warm heart...

Have a blessed day!!

Bye for now..


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Post Responsibly

We all have been taught by our elders to begin our day by following certain morning rituals like listening to bhajans, doing puja @ home / visiting temple, meditating, which certainly bless our whole day.

I am sure we all must be following it till now. But, one more interest has entered into our daily activities, i.e. our favorite pass time – Social Media platforms like Facebook. Thanks to our lavish smart phones, we are 24*7 connected to it.

And why not, it has so much for us all. I too find it very entertaining and it has helped me connect with my good old friends.

But, from the past few weeks, I am disgusted with the stuff people post there.

I mean who would like to see deceased children in blood, knife stabbed in head, lying on road or beach or death bed.

Remember the time, when all we could do after seeing blood was just VOMIT. Now, repeated exposure to such unpleasant images has made us insensitive to some extent.

And, what’s the purpose behind publicizing such photographs? Whose heart is so strong to click such photographs from their camera at the time of event?

Let me be rude here, those who post it online has nothing to do with humanity or sympathy. In fact, they do this only to get tons of likes, thousands of comments and hundreds of shares.

Making such pictures viral shows their evil side and their motive to fill their worthless and aimless life with something, that’s it.

Some people say they are sharing photographs/videos of slaughtered animals for a cause. But, what all you can see except the pain, cruelty, yells and brutality, is only BLOOD, BLOOD and BLOOD.

What cause? If you are really concerned and want to do something to stop it, do it in a better way. Get up of your soft chair, turn off your PC, go out of the comfort of your place and then do something.

And yes, how can I forget what else we came across while scrolling down the news feed. It’s an image of some baby with either a big tumor on head or is dying with cancer, with a message like “This baby has ….blah blah blah…, he will be operated free if this pic gets 1 lac likes”.

What the hell!! Who is going to pay for him with the condition of likes or shares? And the answer is NO ONE. Humanity has nothing to do with number of likes.

By doing such shameful act, ‘they’ are humiliating all those babies/patients who are either suffering at the hospital or dying. Those sufferers don’t need anything other than care, love, treatment and may be, money.

Few pictures, you can easily find (You don’t need to find them, they will come to you) are related to your religion, your God, giving you choices – Like if you care or Ignore if you don’t care. I would say buddy, first check your level of ignorance.

I find it too funny to even react, so I just ignore (Oh, I am scared). God counts our deeds not likes.

My message is for you all, ‘they’ are nothing but some antisocial elements who know your weak points and play with your sentiments.

And whenever you do any activity on any of them, it automatically displays on your friends’ news feed. That’s how things get viral.

The only remedy for such sick people is just IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.

All Social Media Websites can always act as a boon for us all, if we all take a pledge to Share Responsibly.

P.S. Feel free to share your experiences or thoughts or anything you like in the comment's section below.  
If, you agree with what I have written, please share it with others and help me spread this message.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Music Heals - Choose it wisely!!

It’s a beautiful shining Tuesday Morning. I am done with most of my chores, taking time out for myself on my soft cushioned lounge chair while listening to my favorite music.

This day, I am feeling full of life, energy and love. The reason for being so positive is nothing but MUSIC.

Being a music lover, I enjoy its lyrics too (only if it has ;-) and can’t imagine spending even a single day without it.

I strongly feel that music is one of the easiest and fastest ways to connect with your soul, your positivity, your energy and your God too.

But, the only rule is that the Music you listen and relish should be “Just Right”.

We all have been enjoying music even before we came to this world. Do you know why we loved “Maa Ki Lori” (Lullaby) so much, it’s because we have fallen in love with her voice since the time we were in her womb. Isn’t it something which we craved as a child every night and it always worked to make us go into deep peaceful sleep?

If you choose the right music, it can magically:
  • Distresses you
  • Improves your mood
  • Leaves a soothing effect on your subconscious mind
  • Fills you up with energy and positivity
  • Takes away all the negativity from you

Although, there are so many benefits but I have to limit it to just few. :-)

On the other hand, Wrong Music can fill you up to the top with negativity and stress.

Now what exactly is “Right Music”? It’s the POSITIVE MUSIC that makes you feel good, inspires you and relaxes you.

May be some other time, I can share with you my Personal Playlist.

Music has Power. So, whether you are not much fond of music or you are music lover like ME – Keep Listening and Enjoy “Positive Music”

To sum up, one special quote for you all,

“You are what you listen to….”

My music is still ON; I am going to fall in love with it once again.

Will blog soon!!

You keep sharing your thoughts with me, in the comment’s section (just below this post). Also, share what’s your idea of music. 

Friday, 28 August 2015

RAKHI – The Gift of Her Choice

Today, I was in a Gift Gallery buying some gifts for friends. While the shop’s boy was packing them, I got distracted by a young boy not more than 12 years.

He was in the shop for quite a long time searching for a perfect gift for his sister. He liked so many options but budget was the issue. He has saved his pocket money for this day and wanted to surprise her with a lovely gift.

Finally, after looking at almost all the possibilities, he finalized a sweet mug with a beautiful message written over it for her sister. Sweet...Isn’t?

As Raksha Bandhan is approaching, there is a different excitement in the overcrowded markets.
Wherever you go, you will see bright colors everywhere, be it designer ethnic dresses or beautiful range of rakhis or huge variety of gifts & chocolates.

In short, options are endless today. So much options, so much convenience. Now I can send rakhi to my brother living in Bangalore along with a gift of my choice, ranging from chocolates, cakes, flowers or mithais.

But, while everything is getting materialistic, let’s not forget the true essence of our festivals and culture.

This very day, I am writing this for every brother and every sister.

My message is for all those brothers, who love, care, respect and stand guarded to protect their sisters. Yes, they do everything but for their sisters ONLY.

Why they have this feeling only for ‘THEIR sister/s’?

They tease someone else’s sister in colleges, streets, markets, offices and everywhere. They mostly use abusive language related to sister either jokingly or seriously.

To all sisters, all I want to say is, this Rakhi ask your dear brothers “The Gift of Your Choice”
Ask them to take a pledge that they will:
  1. Stop teasing girls.
  2. Never use abusive words related to someone’s sister or mother.
  3. Help every girl in need with a sincere heart like you wish someone to help your sister / mother / wife
  4. Protect anyone’s sister from any sort of danger.
  5. Never indulge in or allow female feticide.
When all the brothers will take this pledge, then the whole India will celebrate the true meaning of Raksha Bandhan like never before, no more deaths of thousands of innocent girls in fetus, no more heart crying stories of rape victims, no more eve-teasing… That will be the best Raksha Bandhan for all of us.

So girls, this Rakhi, go and ask your Brothers, “THE GIFT OF YOUR CHOICE

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Stay Young Forever

Stay Young Forever
One Wish…That stays always in our heart. It’s the wish to “Stay Young Forever”.

After childhood, the most precious era of our life is the time when we fall in love, get our first job, get independent, get married and have kids. This lovely time normally stays between 20s to 40s and for some, may be few more years beyond this.

But, one thing which no one wants to visualize or talk about is growing old. We are hell scared whenever this thought comes to our mind.
So, here’s a good news for all that “Being Young” has nothing to do with age. Yes, if you don’t believe me and still has the desire to stay young then please follow these simple steps and feel the difference –

  1. Keep the child in you alive. It’s absolutely normal to be silly and naughty at times. I understand it’s important to be more sophisticated most of the times but try and take out sometime with close friends, your love or may be alone, for your innocence to nurture. 
    Dance with no form, Laugh like mad, Sing out loud, Get drenched in rain or Do anything that you always liked to do but you have stopped yourself as you thought you have now grown up and it may sound crazy for your age.

  2. Eat Healthy, Drink Well –You are what you eat. This is so true and everyone realizes it when they fell sick. So, opt for food that is low in calories but high in nutrition. You may also try Sattvic Diet that helps you stay more energetic, peaceful, light and fresh always.

  3. Be Friendly with everyone – Here, “Friendly” has nothing to do with Social Media or Virtual World ;-). As people say, Smile is contagious and I feel, it is the very first gesture to be friendly. Don’t limit yourself to just few, be friendly with everyone.

    Talk to them, share with them, listen to them, laugh with them and yes, love them. After all, that’s life….
    Meet everyone with a sweet smile (I bet we all have a beautiful smile :-), one smile please)

  4.  Stay away from negative people and thoughts.Trust me, negative people and thoughts gulp your age and energy. You cannot hangout with negative people and expect to live a positive life. They are drawn towards others who react strongly, are very emotional, get outraged or offer compassion. (It can be a very interesting subject for my next post, What say? ;-) )

  5. Have Dreams and Keep Following Them – Dreams keep you more lively, energetic and young. So, never ever let your dreams die before you. There is no age limit for following a dream. Write them down, read them daily, go after them no matter what others think.
Well, I have to cut it here only and limit it to 5 points as of now. But, will share some more later in some other post for sure.

Graying of hair, wrinkled face or baldness may be are the signs of ageing and can be treated/delayed by various treatments. But, always remember “Being Young” has nothing to do with age. 

“Your Youth is within you… Keep it ALIVE”

PS : If you like what I have written, do share with me in the comments section below. I am looking forward to your views, comments or anything you want to share.