Wednesday 26 June 2013

Feminine Grace

Last week I started a very famous read on understanding man’s philosophy. While it is hard to identify the success level right now but I am sure of my inspirational level which has motivated me to write down my first article and ignite the thought in minds of all my female friends, which they have never thought of.
Ever wondered, what is it that makes a man get attracted to a woman?
Ever thought, why is it that sometimes a man gets attracted to a woman with ordinary looks leaving the beautiful one?
There must be some secret behind it...
To understand the secret, first you need to ask yourself, as a woman, what is that you love about yourself?
Do you love being a woman? Do you love the way you look, you talk, you walk, you care, you love, and the list goes on...
Love being a woman and love everything about yourself. Only this is the time when you feel comfortable with your body and with your femininity and in turn makes men comfortable with you.
It also encourages you to take care of yourself in all aspects whether it’s about your clothes, your heels, your manicure, your health, and your looks, everything that makes you more feminine.
Just try it, when you feel more femininity from within, it makes you more polite, sensitive, confident, creative, helpful, more expressive, more beautiful and believe me men just love these things about women.
Feminine Grace allows you to become complete women who is self confident, self sufficient, and capable of doing anything with beauty and of course, loved by everyone.
Now let’s think of something that is, completely opposite of “Feminine Grace”. It could be:
  1. Being rude
  2. Being insensitive
  3. Keep on complaining or nagging
  4. Being dull, unhappy
  5. Not taking care of yourself
  6. Being self-conscious and insecure
  7. Not happy with yourself, your body, your looks
And it is something what makes you “UGLY”. It makes men run away from you. It makes you repulsive.
Why men always go after physical looks, she needs to ask herself, Is she happy with her looks? Is she the first person in this world, who loves herself the most? If she thinks she is not good looking or attractive how can she expect the other person to like her.
It is nothing else but her inner beauty, The Feminine Grace that makes men fall for her.
To be loved by a man, you need to first love yourself being a woman and then only you will feel more attractive and lovable.
If you want your husband, boyfriend or any other man fall in love with you, behave in a way which makes your femininity more appealing and attractive.
So ladies, pamper yourself, take good care of yourself and most importantly love yourself.
When you do this, you will not only love you but will make whole of the world fall for you.
Now, both the options are here in front of you and the choice is yours. Which side you want to stay?
Do remember an important quote by famous Vincent Van Gogh quotes “There is no such thing as ugly woman.”